Friday, February 14, 2014

My name is Tegan and I'm 13 years old and I am in the year 8 digital class at Mokoia intermediate. I love running, swimming and I like trying different kinds of sports. I love hanging out with my friends and being on the lake, skiing and biscuiting. I live on a sheep and beef farm called Watitiro not far  from Lake Rotoiti. I love living on a farm because of the freedom and I love caring for the baby lambs and calf's. I love to run cross country races and I also like to bake cupcakes. I have a mum, a dad, a brother and a sister. They're names are Jo, Blair, Clay and Ella, we are all quite outgoing and we like to be in the great outdoors. We have two cats and a dog. There names are Mistcheif, Bella and Lucy. Bella is my cat. I have amazing, supportive family and friends. I hope you learnt something about me!
We had a very fun maths session yesterday, were we did a challenge where you had to make the highest tower out of dry noodle sticks and mini marshmallows. My group successfully won the challenge! We also did a science experiment where we put milk and red-bull together and we observed what happened. It was very exciting to watch what happened.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

In class this term we are looking at the novel 'Wonder'. It is about a boy who has a deformed face and is entering school for the first time, but having a hard time making friends. Today we made a tagxedo with all the keywords from the chapter. I have already read this book and I am enjoying doing a study on it. It is a great book and has a meaning to it which is... 'Don't judge a book by its cover'.